Thursday, December 31, 2009


Goodbye 2009. You have been a long, interesting, and challenging year. I've seen many downs and several ups. I can't really say I'm sad to see you go, though.

Hello, 2010! You are going to be an awesome year! There is so much happening this year, and I am going to spend the entire time thanking God for the wonderful blessings.

This is the year I get married!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Wedding dress...aquired.

That's right! My beautiful and amazing wedding dress is in "my possession" (aka at Jason's parents)!!! I was so happy to get to put it on, and see how beautiful it is. Looking at that dress just hypes me up even more for the amazing adventure we are going to share!

I am getting a little more in the Christmas cheer. I think I was stressing because I couldn't think of the perfect gift to give Jason. Then I realized...I will NEVER find the perfect gift for him. There is nothing in the world that I could give him that would show him how much I love him. So, I got him something I know he will like, and use, but it just won't be that "perfect gift".

I love the 40 days of prayer and fasting that our church is doing. It is really a time to focus on God's love and redemption in our community, state, nation, and world. There are going to be amazing things coming out of these days.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blessings abound

I am constantly broken to see the amazing work of God around me. Be it a small answered prayer, a late night text message from my darling fiance, finishing a project I never thought I would finish, or hearing from an old friend, God is around us in everything we do, and if we pause, we can notice His hands everywhere.

My heart and flesh cry out
To You, the Living God
Your Spirit's water to my soul
I've tasted, and I've seen
Come once again to me
I will draw near to You
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
--Chris Tomlin--

Monday, December 7, 2009

Its official....

I am stressed. I've tried to resist it, I've tried to deny it. Today, I'm embracing it.

My car is broken down...again. It made a squealing noise today and a terrible smell, and its making a clicking noise. I already need my back breaks redone and my oil change, but I don't think a. is being caused by b., and I'm afraid its all going to end up costing me big money.

Add that to the fact that Christmas is coming up, and whereas I usually love doing big gifts for people, this year I just don't think that's going to happen. Jason is graduating and I would love to throw him a big party to celebrate how proud of him I am for graduating college...that can't be either.

Then our wedding. Even though my parents are paying for everything, I still feel bad about it. I always have when I cost them money.

I know that I need to trust God with my money. And I know that if I have faith in Him, he will take care of everything I need. I'm constantly praying for God's mercy and guidance.

So, if it seems I'm a little distracted lately, I am. If I don't seem as friendly and bubbly as normal, its because I'm not. Please don't chastise me for it, or tell me to "put on a happy face". Let me be silent and pray, please.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My prayer list keeps growing and growing. I'm ok with that in a way, because I know God will touch each one of them in His own special way, but I'm so sad that so many people I love are having to struggle and suffer. I just hope that everyone remembers that God has things under control, and that I love each and every one of you.

Things are so busy right now. I'm helping do sponsorship for Run for Compassion, which is an amazing organization. Jason and I are now under the 6 month mark for our wedding and I have been a terrible planner, and am going to start paying for it. Work is busy. Jason is busy trying to graduate and get a job. Busy, busy, busy. BUT, I'm still not feeling 100%. Actually, I'm probably feeling about 42%, if I had to give it a number. This time of the year is so crazy anyway. Hopefully soon the infections and tiredness will go away, but for now, I'll live with them.

Every time I look at this picture, my heart smiles:

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Everyone loves a care package!

I subscribe to a lot of blogs. Among my many subscriptions, I have many that revolve around animals, animal rights, and animal activism. Many times, the posts that come up are letting me know about new breed specific legislation, or asking for help transferring a dog from a shelter to a rescue group in a big city. However, today I saw this posting, and its one that we can ALL help with!

Girl Scout Troop #60667, based in Macon, Georgia is working on their service project: care packages for United States Military Working Dog Teams (this includes the dog and their handler). These dogs are really amazing creatures; they are trained to be deployed worldwide to support the war on terror, helping to safeguard military bases and activities and to detect bombs and other explosives before they detonate.

Here are some items that the Girl Scouts are collecting:

Items needed for the dogs:

Collapsible nylon dog bowls Large Kongs or Kong 3″ rubber balls
Tennis balls Dog shampoo and/or conditioner
Grooming tools (combs, brushes) K9 toothpaste and brush
K9 eye drops Salves for paws and noses (Neosporin or similar)
Bandages/vet tape/4″ x 4″ gauze pads/gauze rolls Towels to wipe paws
Dog biscuits in 1 lb. boxes K9 jerky treats (beef, rice, veggie, etc.)
Large rope chews K9 cooling mats (about $75 per dog)
K-9 cooling vests (about $160 per dog) K9 boots (about $40 – $50 per dog)
K9 cooling collars (about $20 per dog) K9 Advantix flea/tick treatment (about $60 for a 4-month supply; this can be ordered/purchased through a vet or online; get size for full-grown German Shepherd Dog, Belgian Malanois, or similar breed, “over 55 lbs.” size)
K9 Doggles (goggles for eye protection from sun and sand, about $20 per dog)

Items needed for the handlers:

Beef jerky Instant coffee (flavored) or instant tea
Creamer Hot cocoa powder
Powdered Gatorade or other sports drinks; any sort of drink mix (lemonade, Crystal Light, etc.) Instant foods (flavored oatmeal, grits, Kraft Easy Mac, or similar)
Crackers and cheese Little Debbie snack cakes
Power Bars, cereal bars, granola bars Dried fruit, nuts
Microwave popcorn Gum, bubble gum, Blowpops, lollipops
Twizzlers Hard candy
Instant soup Hot sauce
Fast food packages of condiments (ketchup, mustard, relish, mayo, sugar) Spices (garlic powder, oregano, allspice, spice blends, etc., in plastic bottles
Canned tuna or chicken Chips in containers (like Pringles; no bags)
Chex mix Fruit or applesauce cups
Peanut butter and jelly Pop Tarts
Canned sardines or oysters Chips/salsa
Individual boxes of cereal Small canned foods like beef stew, potted meats, etc.
Packable sweets (cookies that don’t crumble or melt) Salad dressings
Razors/shaving cream Soap
Deodorant Toothbrush/toothpaste
Dental floss Breath mints
Shampoo/conditioner Comb/brush
Handkerchiefs, bandanas Lip balm
Sunblock Clorox wipes
Hand sanitizer Eye drops
Saline nasal spray Hand cream/lotion
Avon Skin So Soft (this is great for dogs, too!) Cotton swabs
Nail clippers/nail file Aspirin, aceteminophen, ibuprofen, Tums
Throat lozenges, cough drops Hand warmers (chemical or battery)
AA and D batteries Phones cards
Postage stamps Writing materials
Paperback books and/or magazines Cards, yo-yos, Nerf balls, Frisbees, other small toys
Word search, Suduko or crossword puzzle books Duct tape (green, black, or tan)
Surge protector All-in-one tool (“Leatherman” tool)
Sweat pants, sweat shirts, ankle socks in green, black, or white)

*Here's something I didn't even think about, lucky they posted it! Pork and pork by-products are not allowed to be shipped in most Middle East combat locations (remember, it isn't allowed in the culture!), so don't send any of these items!

The address is:
Girl Scout Troop 60667
Care Packages for K9s Project
c/o Kimberly Schwartz, Adult Project Coordinator
P.O. Box 5191
Macon, GA 31208-5191

All items must be in by December 3rd, so they can get them sorted, boxed, and shipped to the combat zones!

Something so easy as grabbing an extra box of treats, an extra bottle of dog shampoo, or some neosporin can make the lives of these animals and people so much easier! If you are interested but don't want to bother with boxing and shipping everything, let me know and I'll be happy to ship it with mine!

Friday, November 13, 2009

This has been a long week. Great, but long. I'm having such a hard time motivating myself. I need to workout. I need to examine my diet. I need to work on wedding stuff. I need to clean. What do I get done? Petting the dog, watching tv, and reading.

I'm tired. I'm down. I feel like I can never get my battery full, and I'm slowly breaking down. Maybe after this weekend things will be looking up. I hope.

Today I'm thankful for the fact that God loves me and cares for me.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I can't believe its over...

Yep, Jason and I's Countdown class is over! I can't believe it! Here's a little recap:

Friday night: We caravanned down to Magnolia, through the most beautiful area that I love so much. After many minutes of anticipation winding through a beautiful subdivision, we arrived at the Seay's house (it was sooo awesome! They have a room for their grandkids that can sleep about 20!!!!). The boys were promptly sent outside to make us hot dogs, while we stayed inside and chatted (I mean, finished setting things up for dinner!). Then a session on commitment, then we sat around talking until we went to bed.

Saturday: early breakfast and pillow fighting with Justus, one of the Bacak's kids. It was so funny hearing the hilarious things he says, and he has the most infectious laugh I have ever heard. Then was the "This Is Your Life" scavenger hunt all around Magnolia, and then back to the Seay's. Jason and I didn't get all of our finished, but we had a great time running around. Then lunch, a session on adoption (Jenn and Rusty have an amazing passion for trans-racial adoption, and are really an inspiration and comfort to anyone who might be considering adoption, for any reason!) and then we wrapped the day by praying for each couple. It was so beautiful to spend this time with each individual, praying for what each one of us is dealing with. God is really watching out for us!

Galatians 4:4-6
But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.

Today I am thankful for those who have chosen to adopt, including our Lord. We are all adopted sons (and daughters!) of God, because He chose to love us when He didn't have to. Thanks to all of the parents who give loving homes to children who otherwise may never know what that feels like, and the birthmoms who are, in the truest definition of the world, pro-life, for their courage and commitment to their children!

Oh, and in case you're wondering: my love languages are quality time and words of affirmation. :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Day to Rejoice....

I didn't sleep again last night. But this time, its a good "not sleep". After Countdown last night, and through exhaustion that we both felt, we still just couldn't resist talking to each other late into the night. Nights like last night really enforce to me what Rusty and Jenn are always saying, when they talk about always being a student of your partner. I learned so much last night, and all that learning just makes me more and more excited to be Jason's wife!

Job 33:26
He prays to God and finds favor with him, he sees God's face and shouts for joy; he is restored by God to his righteous state.

Today, I am thankful for the quiet moments God gives Jason and I together to focus on Him. His love is so great, He was able to bring 2 people together and connect them in a way that will never end. So long as our relationship is built on the rock, we can never fail. That's pretty cool!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

When I look in the mirror I see....

green eyes staring back.
my father's nose.
my trying past.
my hope for the future.
a strong, independent woman.
a belief in God I never thought I would.
years of struggling to overcome a hidden demon.
a desire to be different.
a fear of the unknown.

Today I am thankful for second chances.

Prayers to all those affected by the terrible tragedy at Ft. Hood today.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No rest....its not a beautiful thing

So, I didn't sleep last night. I feel asleep at 10, had to get up at midnight to take a pill for this morning's blood test. I read a little bit about the medicine, and knew that this was a possibility, but hoped it didn't happen. NOPE! 2.30am comes and I am WIDE AWAKE, STARVING, more hungry than I have ever been in my life. The problem? I couldn't eat from 10pm to after my blood test at 8am. I finally fell back asleep around 5 or 5.15. 5.30...ambulance and fire trucks pull into my apartment complex, sirens blaring! Normally, in a situation like this, I would have just gotten up, gone to the gym, worked out, showered, had breakfast. But, with this blood test, I wasn't supposed to work out. So I laid in bed, harassed the dog (I don't sleep, she doesn't sleep!), and let my mind wander. I hope this is some form of "being a mommy practice"?

Matthew 5: 11: Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

Today I am thankful for my freedom of religion. God has been pressing upon my heart all those trying to spread the Word in Latin American countries, being killed because their ideals don't match those of the regime. This week I have really been in prayer for them, and their desire to help the impoverished people of so many nations come to know the glory of God!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rest.....its a beautiful thing!

Oh man, I had a great night's sleep last night. Usually I toss and turn, wake up to check on the dog, wake up because my arms are tingling (I rarely move in the night, so sometimes that becomes painful), and just generally don't sleep well. Not last night! I set the tv timer the longest I could, thinking it would take forever for me to sleep, and then the next thing I know my alarm is going off in the morning. It felt so great, and needed. I seem to be so tired lately, I am very thankful for the rest, even if I'm tired again.

Today, I am thankful for doctors (and their PA's (but I consider them doctors too!)). Usually just by poking you, prodding you, questioning you, and looking at some numbers that come from blood, they are able to tell you (hopefully!) what's wrong with you, and (hopefully!) how to fix you. Things that not all that long ago would have killed both my mother and my father, are now taken care of thanks to teams of doctors.

Thanks to all of you who have gone or are going through that form of training!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Thankfullness Abounds!

24 Days Until Thanksgiving!!!! There is always something magical about the time of year ranging from Thanksgiving to New Year's. Its just this feeling of happy, even if things aren't going well.

Most know that the holidays for me are always bittersweet affairs. Being away from my family at this time is hard for me, but being with my family is equally as hard. This year especially is going to be difficult, what with the beginning of the whole "leaving and cleaving" process nearing.

I am amazed constantly by the love and grace of God. I spent a lot of quiet time yesterday, and I just realized that when I'm overwhelmed, or feeling these negative feelings, I'm just going to have to stop and pray. Which is probably going to lead to a lot of praying. I mean a lot, a lot.

The month of thanks: Today, I am thankful for my mother. She gave birth to me, and teaches me patience and kindness.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Power of Prayer!

Its been a while since I've blogged, and that's just kinda sad.

God has been doing some crazy awesome things in my life. He has been challenging me, pushing me, guiding me, and revealing things to me that I never though possible.

Last night at Countdown, our mentor couple (newlyweds who tell us how their perspective has changed in the few months they have been married!) said something that really touched me, and had I not been so tired last night (they took a lot of blood yesterday, ok!), I really would have liked to talk to Jason about it. She talked about praying together, and how she humbled herself toward him by asking him to pray for her. I think its so simple to believe that if we don't tell anyone our faults, its easier to hide them, especially from our spouse. But God knows. He knows where we struggle, and where we need help.

I hope that prayer will continue to be as important to Jason and I's lives as it has become this week. Praying with him and for him has changed things. And I will continue to make it a point to ask him to help pray for me in areas where I am weak, and need change.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

God is great!

Its funny how once you start listening to God, things just start falling into place. He is so good! The past few weeks of Countdown have been really amazing. When we first got engaged, I was so wrapped up in wedding planning; what kind of cake will we have? what kind of flowers? how will my dress look? It was all so exciting, and I didn't even realize that it was the main focus.

Countdown has really helped me refocus. Our wedding is one day, our marriage is forever. Instead of worrying about the perfect day, why don't we worry about how we will face problems when they come up? Instead of focusing on looking like a princess that day, why don't we worry about learning how to turn all of our issues and disagreements to God?

So, in short, I'm over traditional wedding planning. Our wedding is not going to be about us, instead it is going to be about our relationship and love for Christ. I'm ready to be Mrs. Ross, and seeing where God is going to take us. I keep saying this over and over, but I know God has some really amazing plans for us.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The roads diverging....

The roads begin diverging when my lab tests come back either Friday/Monday. Then there is one more fork before *hopefully* finding out exactly what is going on. Its kinda scary, but I feel that at least its coming to some form of an end.

Happier news...I have the best fiance evar. For my birthday/anniversary he bought me something I have wanted for a very, very, very long time...a Wii!! My arms hurt from playing so much yesterday, but it was totally worth it. I hope he enjoys his gift half as much! :)

I am researching some new food so that I can surprise Jason with a wonderful meal on our anniversary. Its definitely the biggest food project that I have ever taken on, but hopefully it will turn out wonderful.

Can't wait to curl up on the couch tonight and cuddle with Snickers. Its been a long day!

Friday, September 25, 2009

The wife I'd like to be...

Several things kind of came together this past week that have led me to some thinking. We started our "pre-marriage course" last week, and starting looking in depth not about the wedding, but about our marriage. This week I also started my study on the book of Ecclesiastes in my Bible. As I opened to the beginning of Ecclesiastes, a passage on the opposite page caught my eye. It was Proverbs 31, "The Wife of a Noble Character"

It begins with, "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." Then, it goes on to describe what a good wife does for her husband and family. Its amazing how so many of the things listed are things I've always envisioned in my home: she provides for her family before thinking about herself, she spends her money investing in things to help her family prosper, she works 24/7 for her children and husband, she helps others, she is never idle but works tirelessly for her family, and because of it she is loved by her family.

I am going to strive for this to be my model for the kind of wife I need to be. I know its not always going to be easy, or fun, but God won't give me anything I can't handle, and our lives will be so blessed. I can already tell.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Long pause...

Life is busy, busy, busy. But it feels great, everything is falling into place and working out. God is so great!

I really believe that all of life is better when you have a dog. For some reason, seeing the world as they do makes everything seem so joyous. Our old lady is so unique and wonderful, Snickers is an angel baby!

I've decided I'm going to start a cookbook. I need a place where I have all of my favorite things in one place, instead of searching for notecards here, word documents there, remembering recipes in my head. Maybe some day I can sell my cookbook for millions and millions and millions and Jason and I can retire to an island somewhere....right. While doing this, I am also going to work on my breakfast and baking skills. I don't really do either enough to have them up to a level I am happy with, so add that to my list of things for self improvement!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another Puppy Store Induced Rant....

Jason and I stopped by the Puppy Store in the mall again this weekend. As usual, we found an adorable brindle blue and white pitty that made us have to remind ourselves that for the first year of that puppy's life we'll both be in an apartment, which would be unfair to a dog that size. Otherwise, he would have been going home with us. As we were standing there holding him, this mother and daughter came in and were cooing over this adorable little baby. And he was cute. When the woman said something about someone she knew just loving Boxers, Jason responded with "This one isn't a Boxer, he's a little pit bull". The woman answered with, "Oh, gosh" grabbed her daughters hand, and pulled her to the other side of the store. Seriously? You just removed your 16 year old daughter from the presence of an 8 week old pit bull. Big danger! Or, how about the father and son. Who grabbed his 4 year old son and said, "No! Don't stand too close to that one!" Ok, if that dog can get through the metal cage he's in, then through the glass wall that protects them, we have bigger problems.

I understand that not everyone likes all breeds of dogs. I get that. I have several I myself don't like (mainly all small dogs. They can get lost or stepped on so easily!). That doesn't mean I think they should all be eradicated from the planet. The thing that gets me is people who sterotype. "Pit bulls are SO aggressive. They'll kill you if you look at them wrong". O-M-G. Pit bulls (well, the bully breeds), pass the American Temperment Test at 88.6%. Golden Retreivers pass with 84%. Border Collies have a rating of 80%. Chihuahuas 71.1%.

And really, if they were "born to fight" or "born to kill", do you think that those disgusting people who put these dogs in fighting rings are going to keep a dog that is human agressive? That's the reason they picked those breeds in the first place, they are loyal and loving to their masters, even those who don't deserve it. Oh, also, lets talk about therapy dogs. You know, the dogs that go into children's homes and nursing homes because of the benfits that people gain from being around an animal? They are open to any breed of dog. Their most common, though? American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. Pit Bulls.

You don't like them. That's fine. But don't try and get responsible, intelligent owners banned from owning their pets. Or, if you do, be prepared for me to start a crusade against your beloved tiny dog. Their hair ribbons can be used as lethal weapons, you know.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Random ramblings.

This week I was kind of down. Got some bad news, all the new Compass stuff is stressing everyone in the university out, it was just not good. Jason took me to dinner Tuesday, then decided we were going to go to the mall. Come to find out, he had decided to take me to the Puppy Store (which always puts me in a happy mood!). There were tons of little puppies there, all in various shapes of health (poor little milled puppies!). We held a beagle, and a little dachshund, and then it was all over...

Jason saw a little red and white pit bull (well, older than the rest...he was born in December) and we decided we wanted to see that one. Ohhhhh that baby was the SWEETEST thing ever. He didn't want to do anything but lay against your neck and snuggle! When I held him and he laid his head down and went limp, it reminded me so much of Sawyers I almost cried. It was so hard to give him back to the girl to stick him back in a cage to stay there until someone takes him. :( If I had a place that it would be fair to keep a dog that will be his size and energy level, I would have bought him in heartbeat. I hope he finds a good home soon. A baby that sweet deserves it.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Its amazing how much life can change in such a short amount of time. New Orleans was the best trip of my life, for so many reasons. I am totally in love with the city and culture, and it will always have an amazingly special place in my heart as the place that Jason asked me to marry him. Its amazing how beautiful life can be.

Monday, March 9, 2009

LIst of Places I would like to visit

I guess my impending trip to New Orleans has got me, here is a list of places inside the US and outside the US I would like to visit.


1. New Orleans.... :) I've always wanted to hurry up next week!!!!!
2. Las Vegas.....bright lights, lots of sounds...sign me up!!!
3. Gila Cliff Dwellings...they're in New Mexico. You watched videos on them in elementary.
4. Hawaii.....I'm sure that needs no explanation. :)
5. Washington, D.C.....yes, I am a poli sci nerd.
6. Graceland.....just because I adore Elvis.
7. New York City...again with the bright lights. Oh, and the shopping.
8. Disney World. Because I love Mickey!!!!!!!
9. The Great Smoky beautiful to wake up to that view!!!
10. Niagra pretty!!!!!


1. Machu Picchu....I want to go here sooo bad. Its so beautiful.
2. Great Barrier Reef...such a beautiful place with so much life!!!
3. Petra...In Jordan. Its so amazingly beautiful.
4. The Pyramids of Egypt...I have always been fascinated by them.
5. The Wailing Wall...and Jerusalem over all. I would love to be at the birthplace of religion.
6. Tortola...British Virgin Islands. Google image it for my reason. <3
7. Venice...I would love to float on a gondola though a beautiful city.
8. Germany...there is so much about Germany I would love to see. And the beer.
9. Ireland...where my ancestors are from. And great beer...
10. Paris...because sometimes I am cliche. And I like escargot.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Reflections and Rambling

It is so hard to live in the world today. Violence is breaking out everywhere, its in a new place every day. From the killings and kidnappings in Mexico, the 12 gunmen shooting at the Sri Lankan cricket team, all of the violence in Sudan, not to mention the natural disasters in Germany and Peru. Everywhere you look there is crime, poverty, sadness, and desperation. Still, I can't help but have faith in humankind.

Many times in our history it has appeared that the world is coming apart at its seams. The 60's are a great example of this. 32 countries gained independence from their rulers, and not without battles. London suffered horrors that it had not seen in centuries. Civil rights were non-existant for those that did not meet the standards set by an ethnocentric and racist nation. There were political and racial assinations that spanned the globe. Then, in the late 60's, the social revolution took hold.

I'm not saying that the nation needs to turn into hippies again. No seriously, no hippies. But I am hopeful for an organic movement, somewhere, that can start repairing the hurt we are experiencing. The 1960's had music to save it. The Beatles helped created a mass movement of peace, understanding, love, and imagination. They revolutionized the world through their lyrics, and through their songs.

I can only hope that our generation is lucky enough to have this same thing happen to us. And that its not the Jonas Brothers.

You say you want a revolution
Well you know
We'd all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well you know
We'd all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out
Don't you know it's gonna be alright

You say you got a real solution
Well you know
We'd all want to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well you know
We're all doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you'll have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be alright

You say you'll change the constitution
Well you know
We'd all love to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know know it's gonna be alright

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Consider my attitude adjusted.

Sometimes I get in these little moods. Actually, they generally end up being big moods. I think a lot of it is when I try and wrestle with the fact that I don't know what's going to happen in the future. One of my big issues in life has always been realizing that I am not in control, but that there is a force much greater and better than me that already has everything mapped out. I guess sometimes I just need to remember that what I want doesn't matter, because there are so many more things more important than me.

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother
What will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?
Here's what she said to me:

Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be.

When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart
What lies ahead?
Will we have rainbows
Day after day?
Here's what my sweetheart said:

Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own.
They ask their mother,
What will I be?
Will I be handsome?
Will I be rich?
I tell them tenderly:

Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be.
Que sera, sera.