Thursday, April 16, 2009

Random ramblings.

This week I was kind of down. Got some bad news, all the new Compass stuff is stressing everyone in the university out, it was just not good. Jason took me to dinner Tuesday, then decided we were going to go to the mall. Come to find out, he had decided to take me to the Puppy Store (which always puts me in a happy mood!). There were tons of little puppies there, all in various shapes of health (poor little milled puppies!). We held a beagle, and a little dachshund, and then it was all over...

Jason saw a little red and white pit bull (well, older than the rest...he was born in December) and we decided we wanted to see that one. Ohhhhh that baby was the SWEETEST thing ever. He didn't want to do anything but lay against your neck and snuggle! When I held him and he laid his head down and went limp, it reminded me so much of Sawyers I almost cried. It was so hard to give him back to the girl to stick him back in a cage to stay there until someone takes him. :( If I had a place that it would be fair to keep a dog that will be his size and energy level, I would have bought him in heartbeat. I hope he finds a good home soon. A baby that sweet deserves it.

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