Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another Puppy Store Induced Rant....

Jason and I stopped by the Puppy Store in the mall again this weekend. As usual, we found an adorable brindle blue and white pitty that made us have to remind ourselves that for the first year of that puppy's life we'll both be in an apartment, which would be unfair to a dog that size. Otherwise, he would have been going home with us. As we were standing there holding him, this mother and daughter came in and were cooing over this adorable little baby. And he was cute. When the woman said something about someone she knew just loving Boxers, Jason responded with "This one isn't a Boxer, he's a little pit bull". The woman answered with, "Oh, gosh" grabbed her daughters hand, and pulled her to the other side of the store. Seriously? You just removed your 16 year old daughter from the presence of an 8 week old pit bull. Big danger! Or, how about the father and son. Who grabbed his 4 year old son and said, "No! Don't stand too close to that one!" Ok, if that dog can get through the metal cage he's in, then through the glass wall that protects them, we have bigger problems.

I understand that not everyone likes all breeds of dogs. I get that. I have several I myself don't like (mainly all small dogs. They can get lost or stepped on so easily!). That doesn't mean I think they should all be eradicated from the planet. The thing that gets me is people who sterotype. "Pit bulls are SO aggressive. They'll kill you if you look at them wrong". O-M-G. Pit bulls (well, the bully breeds), pass the American Temperment Test at 88.6%. Golden Retreivers pass with 84%. Border Collies have a rating of 80%. Chihuahuas 71.1%.

And really, if they were "born to fight" or "born to kill", do you think that those disgusting people who put these dogs in fighting rings are going to keep a dog that is human agressive? That's the reason they picked those breeds in the first place, they are loyal and loving to their masters, even those who don't deserve it. Oh, also, lets talk about therapy dogs. You know, the dogs that go into children's homes and nursing homes because of the benfits that people gain from being around an animal? They are open to any breed of dog. Their most common, though? American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. Pit Bulls.

You don't like them. That's fine. But don't try and get responsible, intelligent owners banned from owning their pets. Or, if you do, be prepared for me to start a crusade against your beloved tiny dog. Their hair ribbons can be used as lethal weapons, you know.

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