Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Everyone loves a care package!

I subscribe to a lot of blogs. Among my many subscriptions, I have many that revolve around animals, animal rights, and animal activism. Many times, the posts that come up are letting me know about new breed specific legislation, or asking for help transferring a dog from a shelter to a rescue group in a big city. However, today I saw this posting, and its one that we can ALL help with!

Girl Scout Troop #60667, based in Macon, Georgia is working on their service project: care packages for United States Military Working Dog Teams (this includes the dog and their handler). These dogs are really amazing creatures; they are trained to be deployed worldwide to support the war on terror, helping to safeguard military bases and activities and to detect bombs and other explosives before they detonate.

Here are some items that the Girl Scouts are collecting:

Items needed for the dogs:

Collapsible nylon dog bowls Large Kongs or Kong 3″ rubber balls
Tennis balls Dog shampoo and/or conditioner
Grooming tools (combs, brushes) K9 toothpaste and brush
K9 eye drops Salves for paws and noses (Neosporin or similar)
Bandages/vet tape/4″ x 4″ gauze pads/gauze rolls Towels to wipe paws
Dog biscuits in 1 lb. boxes K9 jerky treats (beef, rice, veggie, etc.)
Large rope chews K9 cooling mats (about $75 per dog)
K-9 cooling vests (about $160 per dog) K9 boots (about $40 – $50 per dog)
K9 cooling collars (about $20 per dog) K9 Advantix flea/tick treatment (about $60 for a 4-month supply; this can be ordered/purchased through a vet or online; get size for full-grown German Shepherd Dog, Belgian Malanois, or similar breed, “over 55 lbs.” size)
K9 Doggles (goggles for eye protection from sun and sand, about $20 per dog)

Items needed for the handlers:

Beef jerky Instant coffee (flavored) or instant tea
Creamer Hot cocoa powder
Powdered Gatorade or other sports drinks; any sort of drink mix (lemonade, Crystal Light, etc.) Instant foods (flavored oatmeal, grits, Kraft Easy Mac, or similar)
Crackers and cheese Little Debbie snack cakes
Power Bars, cereal bars, granola bars Dried fruit, nuts
Microwave popcorn Gum, bubble gum, Blowpops, lollipops
Twizzlers Hard candy
Instant soup Hot sauce
Fast food packages of condiments (ketchup, mustard, relish, mayo, sugar) Spices (garlic powder, oregano, allspice, spice blends, etc., in plastic bottles
Canned tuna or chicken Chips in containers (like Pringles; no bags)
Chex mix Fruit or applesauce cups
Peanut butter and jelly Pop Tarts
Canned sardines or oysters Chips/salsa
Individual boxes of cereal Small canned foods like beef stew, potted meats, etc.
Packable sweets (cookies that don’t crumble or melt) Salad dressings
Razors/shaving cream Soap
Deodorant Toothbrush/toothpaste
Dental floss Breath mints
Shampoo/conditioner Comb/brush
Handkerchiefs, bandanas Lip balm
Sunblock Clorox wipes
Hand sanitizer Eye drops
Saline nasal spray Hand cream/lotion
Avon Skin So Soft (this is great for dogs, too!) Cotton swabs
Nail clippers/nail file Aspirin, aceteminophen, ibuprofen, Tums
Throat lozenges, cough drops Hand warmers (chemical or battery)
AA and D batteries Phones cards
Postage stamps Writing materials
Paperback books and/or magazines Cards, yo-yos, Nerf balls, Frisbees, other small toys
Word search, Suduko or crossword puzzle books Duct tape (green, black, or tan)
Surge protector All-in-one tool (“Leatherman” tool)
Sweat pants, sweat shirts, ankle socks in green, black, or white)

*Here's something I didn't even think about, lucky they posted it! Pork and pork by-products are not allowed to be shipped in most Middle East combat locations (remember, it isn't allowed in the culture!), so don't send any of these items!

The address is:
Girl Scout Troop 60667
Care Packages for K9s Project
c/o Kimberly Schwartz, Adult Project Coordinator
P.O. Box 5191
Macon, GA 31208-5191

All items must be in by December 3rd, so they can get them sorted, boxed, and shipped to the combat zones!

Something so easy as grabbing an extra box of treats, an extra bottle of dog shampoo, or some neosporin can make the lives of these animals and people so much easier! If you are interested but don't want to bother with boxing and shipping everything, let me know and I'll be happy to ship it with mine!

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