Monday, November 2, 2009

Thankfullness Abounds!

24 Days Until Thanksgiving!!!! There is always something magical about the time of year ranging from Thanksgiving to New Year's. Its just this feeling of happy, even if things aren't going well.

Most know that the holidays for me are always bittersweet affairs. Being away from my family at this time is hard for me, but being with my family is equally as hard. This year especially is going to be difficult, what with the beginning of the whole "leaving and cleaving" process nearing.

I am amazed constantly by the love and grace of God. I spent a lot of quiet time yesterday, and I just realized that when I'm overwhelmed, or feeling these negative feelings, I'm just going to have to stop and pray. Which is probably going to lead to a lot of praying. I mean a lot, a lot.

The month of thanks: Today, I am thankful for my mother. She gave birth to me, and teaches me patience and kindness.

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