Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rest.....its a beautiful thing!

Oh man, I had a great night's sleep last night. Usually I toss and turn, wake up to check on the dog, wake up because my arms are tingling (I rarely move in the night, so sometimes that becomes painful), and just generally don't sleep well. Not last night! I set the tv timer the longest I could, thinking it would take forever for me to sleep, and then the next thing I know my alarm is going off in the morning. It felt so great, and needed. I seem to be so tired lately, I am very thankful for the rest, even if I'm tired again.

Today, I am thankful for doctors (and their PA's (but I consider them doctors too!)). Usually just by poking you, prodding you, questioning you, and looking at some numbers that come from blood, they are able to tell you (hopefully!) what's wrong with you, and (hopefully!) how to fix you. Things that not all that long ago would have killed both my mother and my father, are now taken care of thanks to teams of doctors.

Thanks to all of you who have gone or are going through that form of training!

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