Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No rest....its not a beautiful thing

So, I didn't sleep last night. I feel asleep at 10, had to get up at midnight to take a pill for this morning's blood test. I read a little bit about the medicine, and knew that this was a possibility, but hoped it didn't happen. NOPE! 2.30am comes and I am WIDE AWAKE, STARVING, more hungry than I have ever been in my life. The problem? I couldn't eat from 10pm to after my blood test at 8am. I finally fell back asleep around 5 or 5.15. 5.30...ambulance and fire trucks pull into my apartment complex, sirens blaring! Normally, in a situation like this, I would have just gotten up, gone to the gym, worked out, showered, had breakfast. But, with this blood test, I wasn't supposed to work out. So I laid in bed, harassed the dog (I don't sleep, she doesn't sleep!), and let my mind wander. I hope this is some form of "being a mommy practice"?

Matthew 5: 11: Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

Today I am thankful for my freedom of religion. God has been pressing upon my heart all those trying to spread the Word in Latin American countries, being killed because their ideals don't match those of the regime. This week I have really been in prayer for them, and their desire to help the impoverished people of so many nations come to know the glory of God!

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