Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My prayer list keeps growing and growing. I'm ok with that in a way, because I know God will touch each one of them in His own special way, but I'm so sad that so many people I love are having to struggle and suffer. I just hope that everyone remembers that God has things under control, and that I love each and every one of you.

Things are so busy right now. I'm helping do sponsorship for Run for Compassion, which is an amazing organization. Jason and I are now under the 6 month mark for our wedding and I have been a terrible planner, and am going to start paying for it. Work is busy. Jason is busy trying to graduate and get a job. Busy, busy, busy. BUT, I'm still not feeling 100%. Actually, I'm probably feeling about 42%, if I had to give it a number. This time of the year is so crazy anyway. Hopefully soon the infections and tiredness will go away, but for now, I'll live with them.

Every time I look at this picture, my heart smiles:

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