Monday, December 14, 2009

Wedding dress...aquired.

That's right! My beautiful and amazing wedding dress is in "my possession" (aka at Jason's parents)!!! I was so happy to get to put it on, and see how beautiful it is. Looking at that dress just hypes me up even more for the amazing adventure we are going to share!

I am getting a little more in the Christmas cheer. I think I was stressing because I couldn't think of the perfect gift to give Jason. Then I realized...I will NEVER find the perfect gift for him. There is nothing in the world that I could give him that would show him how much I love him. So, I got him something I know he will like, and use, but it just won't be that "perfect gift".

I love the 40 days of prayer and fasting that our church is doing. It is really a time to focus on God's love and redemption in our community, state, nation, and world. There are going to be amazing things coming out of these days.

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