Monday, September 28, 2009

The roads diverging....

The roads begin diverging when my lab tests come back either Friday/Monday. Then there is one more fork before *hopefully* finding out exactly what is going on. Its kinda scary, but I feel that at least its coming to some form of an end.

Happier news...I have the best fiance evar. For my birthday/anniversary he bought me something I have wanted for a very, very, very long time...a Wii!! My arms hurt from playing so much yesterday, but it was totally worth it. I hope he enjoys his gift half as much! :)

I am researching some new food so that I can surprise Jason with a wonderful meal on our anniversary. Its definitely the biggest food project that I have ever taken on, but hopefully it will turn out wonderful.

Can't wait to curl up on the couch tonight and cuddle with Snickers. Its been a long day!

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