Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Consider my attitude adjusted.

Sometimes I get in these little moods. Actually, they generally end up being big moods. I think a lot of it is when I try and wrestle with the fact that I don't know what's going to happen in the future. One of my big issues in life has always been realizing that I am not in control, but that there is a force much greater and better than me that already has everything mapped out. I guess sometimes I just need to remember that what I want doesn't matter, because there are so many more things more important than me.

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother
What will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?
Here's what she said to me:

Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be.

When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart
What lies ahead?
Will we have rainbows
Day after day?
Here's what my sweetheart said:

Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own.
They ask their mother,
What will I be?
Will I be handsome?
Will I be rich?
I tell them tenderly:

Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be.
Que sera, sera.

1 comment:

littlemisst08 said...


my grandparents always used to sing that song to me.