Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I need to do this more...

blog, that is. I've been a huge ginormous FAIL when it comes to regular blogging.

Today is one of those days where "there is too much blood in my sugar stream" applies. Everyone keeps bringing in things to work, "here, try my this", "oh, you'll love my this", or "you just have to try my this". Damn me and my inability to say no. I'm left feeling like an uncomfortable snowman that has his middle snowball made bigger than it should be. :( That's all over after the new year. Food nazi will be back and in full swing.

I am so ready for it to be Monday at 12.05. My Christmas officially starts then. I am so excited to get home, see my family, see my puppy, and just spend some time quite and peaceful. And I'm excited for Christmas with Jason, since he so enjoys torturing me about my presents. He's going to love what I got him. At least, I hope he does :-/

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