Monday, March 9, 2009

LIst of Places I would like to visit

I guess my impending trip to New Orleans has got me, here is a list of places inside the US and outside the US I would like to visit.


1. New Orleans.... :) I've always wanted to hurry up next week!!!!!
2. Las Vegas.....bright lights, lots of sounds...sign me up!!!
3. Gila Cliff Dwellings...they're in New Mexico. You watched videos on them in elementary.
4. Hawaii.....I'm sure that needs no explanation. :)
5. Washington, D.C.....yes, I am a poli sci nerd.
6. Graceland.....just because I adore Elvis.
7. New York City...again with the bright lights. Oh, and the shopping.
8. Disney World. Because I love Mickey!!!!!!!
9. The Great Smoky beautiful to wake up to that view!!!
10. Niagra pretty!!!!!


1. Machu Picchu....I want to go here sooo bad. Its so beautiful.
2. Great Barrier Reef...such a beautiful place with so much life!!!
3. Petra...In Jordan. Its so amazingly beautiful.
4. The Pyramids of Egypt...I have always been fascinated by them.
5. The Wailing Wall...and Jerusalem over all. I would love to be at the birthplace of religion.
6. Tortola...British Virgin Islands. Google image it for my reason. <3
7. Venice...I would love to float on a gondola though a beautiful city.
8. Germany...there is so much about Germany I would love to see. And the beer.
9. Ireland...where my ancestors are from. And great beer...
10. Paris...because sometimes I am cliche. And I like escargot.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I <3 new orleans!