Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pay Day

Whoo-freakin-hooo....its my first pay day with a big girl job. It was soo cool logging in and seeing that paycheck there. Even though it was smalled than most of them will be, its still more money than I've ever made working. Even though Monday its all going to be gone because of this weekend, I am still so stoked. I'll start saving next check.......

My life is going really really really well. Its kind of scaring me. There's only one little glich in it, and I have a feeling that soon its going to become an even bigger glich, but for right now I am just ignoring it.

Things I am most in love with right now in my life:

~The Lord and His greatness
~Nintendo DS
~This weekend hopefully being amazing
~My awesome roommate Tatianna
~Getting my paycheck and spending it on someone I love
~My job
~Facebook chatting all day with Amanda
~Knowing what true happiness is!!!!!

1 comment:

littlemisst08 said...

I found you!

YAY for being paid! Your weekend sounds like it's gonna be amazing. Enjoy it!
