Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I wonder...

As the world is falling apart around us, and there is new violence that breaks out every day, I always thought (I guess in my hopeful little way) that A&M would manage to hold out of the things that are plaguing the world. The past few days, however, have shown me that A&M is just as likely as any other. Starting with students becoming angry when being asked to remove their hats in the MSC (its a memorial to all who died for our country in war) on Friday, my faith in Aggies has just gone downhill. From the game at Kyle, where people were complaining about the heat and how close to each other they had to stand and leaving the game early as well as talking on their cell phones during the game, to hearing a student complain because they turn the lights out around campus for Silver Taps on Tuesdays.

The level of respect for tradition, as well as other people, seems to be seriously lacking. And this makes me so sad. This is a university that has prided itsself on its level of respect for traditions. You may not agree or participate in them all. Heaven only knows there have been some traditions that I haven't been fired up about. But to blatently ignore one of the key founding pieces of this university, and more so be completely rude to people who are being polite to you, that's just uncalled for. I hope that tonight at Silver Taps my faith that Aggies will stand by each other will be renewed. I hate having this cynical attitude towards something I love so much.

1 comment:

littlemisst08 said...

you haven't posted in a long time...