Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I went today and looked through my posting from my livejournal back in the day (and by day I mean 2004-2005). Its funny to see how much I have changed, and how much my life has changed. It was back before the drama. Before the hate. Before the anger, pain, and tears. Looking back now I'm glad it happened. I had to be broken before I could rebuild myself. Sometimes I still struggle, especially in times when I'm stressed. I think that will always be something that I suffer with. I guess we all have our crosses to bear.

Sometimes I miss the feelings I used to have before. Even though a lot of it seems so dark, there are some memories that I enjoy looking back on. Especially the summer between my Freshman and Sophomore year. For the next year or year and a half they are the only happy memories I have.

Then I look forward to my life now. How blessed am I? How did I almost give this all away? Ok, enough, I guess this is what happens when you try to occupy yourself at work.

Foods I cannot eat for the next 2 weeks:
~Any soda
~Any red meat, excluding hamburger
~Queso, or cheese of any kind

Things I love right now:
~Jason, and how amazing he is to me.
~Celebrating our one year anniversary Thursday
~My nintendo ds, and nintendogs.
~My rad new iPod nano that I adore.
~Spending my nights with Jason, doing absolutely nothing

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