Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kind of for Amanda.

So I have come to realize that my life right now is pretty great. Yes, there are moments when I think "Geeze, this sucks" or I get stressed out over something stupid. I've realized, with the help of a lot of my close friends, that I get too worried over small things. And that the big things I do worry about, I can't do anything to fix, so why get so stressed over them? Right now, for the time being, I have everything I need in my life. I have an amazing boyfriend who loves me. I have a handfull of friends that I would trust with my life and know they wouldn't hurt me. I have oodles of aquaintances that entertain and amuse me. I have an apartment that I love. I have parents who would do anything for me. And I have an amazing God who gives me only what I can handle, and then helps carry me through it. My God is an amazing God.

So basically, thanks to a lot of help from Amanda this summer, and a lot of time at work to reflect on things that are happening and how life is changing, I've decided to take a conscience effort from now on to let things go. I can only determine my actions. I can not determine how other people feel or react to my actions. And when everything gets a little overwhelming, I've learned another thing from Amanda....margarita time.

I <3 you!