Monday, September 28, 2009

The roads diverging....

The roads begin diverging when my lab tests come back either Friday/Monday. Then there is one more fork before *hopefully* finding out exactly what is going on. Its kinda scary, but I feel that at least its coming to some form of an end.

Happier news...I have the best fiance evar. For my birthday/anniversary he bought me something I have wanted for a very, very, very long time...a Wii!! My arms hurt from playing so much yesterday, but it was totally worth it. I hope he enjoys his gift half as much! :)

I am researching some new food so that I can surprise Jason with a wonderful meal on our anniversary. Its definitely the biggest food project that I have ever taken on, but hopefully it will turn out wonderful.

Can't wait to curl up on the couch tonight and cuddle with Snickers. Its been a long day!

Friday, September 25, 2009

The wife I'd like to be...

Several things kind of came together this past week that have led me to some thinking. We started our "pre-marriage course" last week, and starting looking in depth not about the wedding, but about our marriage. This week I also started my study on the book of Ecclesiastes in my Bible. As I opened to the beginning of Ecclesiastes, a passage on the opposite page caught my eye. It was Proverbs 31, "The Wife of a Noble Character"

It begins with, "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life." Then, it goes on to describe what a good wife does for her husband and family. Its amazing how so many of the things listed are things I've always envisioned in my home: she provides for her family before thinking about herself, she spends her money investing in things to help her family prosper, she works 24/7 for her children and husband, she helps others, she is never idle but works tirelessly for her family, and because of it she is loved by her family.

I am going to strive for this to be my model for the kind of wife I need to be. I know its not always going to be easy, or fun, but God won't give me anything I can't handle, and our lives will be so blessed. I can already tell.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Long pause...

Life is busy, busy, busy. But it feels great, everything is falling into place and working out. God is so great!

I really believe that all of life is better when you have a dog. For some reason, seeing the world as they do makes everything seem so joyous. Our old lady is so unique and wonderful, Snickers is an angel baby!

I've decided I'm going to start a cookbook. I need a place where I have all of my favorite things in one place, instead of searching for notecards here, word documents there, remembering recipes in my head. Maybe some day I can sell my cookbook for millions and millions and millions and Jason and I can retire to an island somewhere....right. While doing this, I am also going to work on my breakfast and baking skills. I don't really do either enough to have them up to a level I am happy with, so add that to my list of things for self improvement!