Friday, October 30, 2009

Power of Prayer!

Its been a while since I've blogged, and that's just kinda sad.

God has been doing some crazy awesome things in my life. He has been challenging me, pushing me, guiding me, and revealing things to me that I never though possible.

Last night at Countdown, our mentor couple (newlyweds who tell us how their perspective has changed in the few months they have been married!) said something that really touched me, and had I not been so tired last night (they took a lot of blood yesterday, ok!), I really would have liked to talk to Jason about it. She talked about praying together, and how she humbled herself toward him by asking him to pray for her. I think its so simple to believe that if we don't tell anyone our faults, its easier to hide them, especially from our spouse. But God knows. He knows where we struggle, and where we need help.

I hope that prayer will continue to be as important to Jason and I's lives as it has become this week. Praying with him and for him has changed things. And I will continue to make it a point to ask him to help pray for me in areas where I am weak, and need change.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

God is great!

Its funny how once you start listening to God, things just start falling into place. He is so good! The past few weeks of Countdown have been really amazing. When we first got engaged, I was so wrapped up in wedding planning; what kind of cake will we have? what kind of flowers? how will my dress look? It was all so exciting, and I didn't even realize that it was the main focus.

Countdown has really helped me refocus. Our wedding is one day, our marriage is forever. Instead of worrying about the perfect day, why don't we worry about how we will face problems when they come up? Instead of focusing on looking like a princess that day, why don't we worry about learning how to turn all of our issues and disagreements to God?

So, in short, I'm over traditional wedding planning. Our wedding is not going to be about us, instead it is going to be about our relationship and love for Christ. I'm ready to be Mrs. Ross, and seeing where God is going to take us. I keep saying this over and over, but I know God has some really amazing plans for us.